Providing a new method of corporate analysis for credit management and asset management
This service delivers daily analysis of positive and negative reports in Nikkei Group news reports, by fine-tuning the thinking behind natural language analysis especially for financial reports.

Why choose us
Data you can count on
Uses the highly reliable news sources of the Nikkei Group. Analysis is based on the vast data from cumulative reports by Nikkei, including digital editions.
Analytical expertise
Uses our highly specialized analytical algorithms to provide multiple scores based on various perspectives.
Delivered twice daily
Daily reports ensure you will not miss any opportunities. Data are delivered twice each day, at 12:30 and 5:30 pm.
Main features
- Introduction to data provided
- Score descriptions
Main company name
Company Code
Reference company name
Positive/Negative Score
Original article
This service is available on an annual contract. Click here for pricing inquiries or to order or request service.